“Lord, I want to see.”

Bartimaeus’s request is granted. “Be on your way, your faith has healed you.” Salvation consists
in doing the will of God. It is the most perfect thing we can do. So we are always trying to discern
what God’s will is for me. Jesus turns that question around and asks us, “What do you want me to
do for you?” Jesus is telling us that our will, our desires, our ambitions are important. They are
important because they say a lot about ourselves, our values, our commitment, and our treasures.
“Where your heart is there is your treasure.”
“Lord, I want to see.” I want to see not only with the eyes of the body but also with the eyes of
faith. The two visions are quite different. For example, two people watching the sun setting in the
West. Both are awed by the spectacular sight. One sees and comments on the magnificent beauty
of the scene, the other sees God and praises God. In other words, faith strengthens our power of
intuition. Intuition comes from the Latin word “intuit” which means to see through. The image
goes from the eye to the heart without going through the intellect. The image becomes the icon.
Seeing becomes believing. As Paschal said, “The heart has reasons the intellect does not know.”