The WHY Series: Why God Tests Our Faith…Over and Over and Over

There’s something strangely comforting about the messy stories of God’s saints in Scripture. We
might expect the heroes of the Bible to go from one episode of obedience to the next, successive
faith victories on the path to eternal glory.
But that’s not what we find in the Bible. Take Abraham, for instance. In Genesis 12, God calls him
to leave everything and follow. And Abraham does it. Victory! But the next few chapters show us a
decidedly mixed picture. Abraham scoffs at God’s promise. He puts his wife Sarah in danger to
save his own skin, twice. He has a kid with a servant instead of with his wife. And to top it off, he
then gives Sarah the green light to beat and abuse that servant. Not doing so well, Abe.
But through all of Abraham’s disappointments and failures, God was doing something behind the
scenes. And in his failures, we learn something about our journey of faith.

  1. God grows our faith by testing it.
    Immediately after Abraham followed God, Genesis 12:10 tells us that a famine forced him to Egypt, a
    place that he was guaranteed to be frightened. This wasn’t an accident: God was testing, and trying
    to grow, Abraham’s faith.
    Faith isn’t just a one-time decision we make to follow God. Faith works like a muscle: it only gets
    stronger as it’s strained. Faith is exercise. Scientists explain that the way muscles grow is that when
    you exercise, you’re actually producing thousands of little tears in the muscle. But when your body
    recovers, it builds back muscle in those gaps, and the muscle gets bigger.
    That’s how faith works. God puts us in situations that tear our faith, so that it can grow
    back stronger. Faith is the most important muscle in the Christian life, and God is committed to
    strengthening it. It’s not just how you “get saved.” It’s how you
    live every day as a follower of Christ. Everything in the Christian life grows in the soil of faith.
  2. In testing our faith, God often brings us to the very brink.
    God could have given Abraham a son immediately after he promised it. But instead, for reasons
    Abraham wasn’t told, God made him wait 30 years before keeping his promise. He was already in
    his 70s when God had made the promise, so why wait so long to fulfill it?
    Think of the muscle illustration again. Sports specialists often design workouts with a goal of
    “muscle failure”. Instead of doing a given number of reps, you lift the weight until your muscle
    literally can’t do it anymore. The point is that to really grow a muscle, it has to be pushed to the very
    That’s what God does to your faith. He pushes it to the brink, because he’s more committed to
    growing your faith than you are.

Perhaps God is pushing you to the brink right now. It’s not pleasant. It’s not comfortable.
Nobody likes walking through the valleys, but it is there and there alone that God can show you
his capacity to provide for you. He sends you into storms so that he can demonstrate his ability to
walk on water. He surrounds you with conflict so that he can show you that he provides a table
for you in the midst of your enemies.
We don’t endure these tests by sheer grit. None of us has the “inner toughness” to exercise faith on
our own. The strength to endure trials when we’re pushed to the very brink only comes by reflecting
on the One who was pushed past the brink, pushed into death and hell itself, on our behalf.
Because Jesus was tested beyond what any of us will ever experience, we can follow him in every
test that comes our way.