The Why Series 5/12/24

Why do you think the story of the ascension is often neglected in Christian circles today?

Few teach on the ascension of Jesus, yet He taught His disciples that it was vital He return to the Father. Why? Our celebration explores the exciting gifts and opportunities Jesus gave us through His return to the Father. The gift of the Holy Spirit came as both the promised Comforter, as well as our means to live out the life of Christ to those around us. Because Jesus returned to the Father, we also have the hope of a future forever home He is preparing for us. So how should this affect the way we live today?

As Christians today, we sit in-between the “already” and the “not yet.” Christ has already died, risen, and ascended, making possible the new life we have in Him through His Spirit. But more is yet to come. Someday He will return for us and we’ll be home with Him forever. So, what do we do in this in-between place? Jesus commissioned all of us to be His faithful witnesses until He comes, wherever we are and wherever we go. Like the disciples, we cannot do this on our own but must rely on the empowering of the Holy Spirit. Will you ask Him to fill you, and then will you share His love with those He brings to you?

Men of Galilee . . . why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.” (Acts:1:11)