The WHY Series: When It Feels Like God Is Far Away, What Can I Do?

Sometimes it does feel like God is far away. It feels like prayers are unheard and reading the Bible
feels unfulfilling. But is God really far away? And if not, why do we all experience a feeling of
distance sometimes? The answer to overcoming a perceived distance is to remember that it is based
on feelings and feelings can lie to us. We must remember what we know to be true. Jesus has
promised that He will never leave or forsake us (Heb 13:5).
It’s usually a circumstance, emotional struggle, confusion, or some other challenge or difficulty in
one’s daily life that causes one to feel that God is far away. Continuing to seek God in prayer and
reading the Bible, will increase one’s knowledge of His presence, and restore a closer communion
with Him. When we feel something that is not true (like God is distant), we must return to the
truths of the Bible, for we know God’s Words are true and steadfast. As God has told us, we are to
live by faith (Hab 2:4, Rom 1:17, Gal 3:11, Heb 10:38). So how does one do that when one feels
distant from God? There are three simple steps that will help to reignite the feeling of God’s

  1. Trust: Knowing that God is present (Matt 28:20), even if you don’t feel His presence.
  2. Seek God: In prayer (Mat 11:28), pour out your heart, knowing that He hears the prayers of His
    children and He does respond (1 Pet 3:12).
  3. Renew your mind: Read the Bible and attend Bible study.