“Rise and Come forward.” Jesus spoke these words to a man He had singled out in a synagogue almost 2021 years ago. For us, these words also express our mission and our faith. Our passion is for people. For many, life-changing treasures in the Church have remained “buried”. The Scriptures, the sacraments, the lives of saints and the teachings of the magisterium and Councils seem to have little relevance for their lives. Our mission strives to unfold and explore these treasures in a way that is faithful, dynamic and understandable to ordinary peoples. By doing this, we hope to awaken their (and our) faith, and help them develop a more vital relationship with God.
We believe in God the Holy Trinity and the orthodox Christian Faith of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. Our Faith is rooted in the Bible, summarized in the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds, taught by the Fathers and Doctors of the Undivided Church, defended and defined by the Seven Ecumenical Councils, and demonstrated in the lives of the Saints. To live in its fullness our faith in God, it is necessary to be a part of an actual, flesh and blood community of Christians. In that community, where we come to know others and be known by others, we see ourselves as spiritual pilgrims seeking a truly religious family.
We practice our Christians faith in the tradition of the Church of England. We are Anglicans. We are also Catholic because we believe the ancient and universal (καθολικός or katholikos), faith of the church–what was believed “everywhere, always and by all.” Thus, we are Anglican Catholic.
We seek to develop Christ-centered lives through worship, the sacraments, prayer, Bible study, compassion and fellowship with one another. We believe in the sanctity and dignity of all human life and in traditional Biblical standards of morality. We also believe in the family, in the God-given sacramental bond in marriage between one man and one woman. We gratefully acknowledge Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and as the only sure hope of salvation and eternal life.
For this reason, we desire to share the wonderful Good News of God’s love for us in Christ with our family, friends, neighbors, and acquaintances through prayer, outreach, friendship, and service. Our church is a place that vows to believe and practice “the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3), in rejection of false teachings and practices embraced by the revolutionaries prophets.