




Fr. Pothin’s New Years Message


The link above will give you access to the worship bulletin to follow along with our Sunday service.  It is in pdf format. You may use this in coordination with our live audio feed (details given below).  It is normally available Saturday night or Sunday morning. At this time we are not always able to provide the special inserts and supplements that are occasionally used for services.

Music & Hymns

At St. Michael’s, we use the 1940 Hymnal of the Episcopal Church along with two supplements.

Worship Schedule

As a community service to those who cannot attend in person, St. Michael’s provide a live audio feed of the service. All are encouraged and welcome to join us virtually by telephone, Zoom or Facebook:

* Telephone: 301-715-8592: (use code ID 2430380079)(password 987910)

* Videophone via laptop or smartphone: www.Zoom.us (ID 2430380079)(password 987910)

* Facebook live: Stmichaelacc

Please MUTE your phone or computer during the Mass so that everyone can clearly hear and understand Father Pothin and the Lay Reader.  Thank you.

 Click here for mass times.

Worship and Ministry

We worship Almighty God using the time-honored traditional liturgy of the 1928 Book of Common Prayer. In addition to being a masterpiece of English prose, the Book of Common Prayer provides an ancient Catholic pattern for public worship, pastoral services, and regular reading of the Scriptures.

We also maintain the ancient all-male Apostolic ministry of bishops, priests, and deacons, and we practice the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion, private Confession & Absolution, Unction of the Sick, Holy Matrimony, and Holy Orders.

We seek to develop Christ-centered lives through worship, the sacraments, prayer, Bible study, compassion, fellowship with other Christians, and regular financial support of the Church.

Our priest is available for pastoral care and services including baptisms, weddings, funerals, sick calls, Christian education, and spiritual direction.

©2015-2017 St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Catholic Church. All rights reserved.